Monday, July 25, 2011

Final Rebuttal & Last Political Post Here.

I just posted the email that seemingly everyone who's voiced displeasure with the NCDC got se my last post).

Below is my final rebuttal that I have yet to send in email form seeing as It may not actually be read:

This direct mailer is a sad, sad joke. You've thrown out the ability for your Legislative Candidates to say "I helped put 2600 jobs into Nassau County" because of opposition to a plan that was made between Ed Mangano and Charles Wang.
This is not solely about the New York should be about maintaining a quality of life that includes a professional Hockey Franchise with a proud history and building into something great. If that quality of life can be maintained by another Tanger Outlet and possibly a Casino, then I guess you're in the clear.  
Make no mistake, these actions have and will piss off a large number of voters if the Islanders do in fact leave in 2015 when their Lease with the Coliseum expires. But people won't wait until then...their retribution will likely be felt in November and in 2013, when you SHOULD be able to beat Ed Mangano with your hands tied and blindfolded. The opposition because of your misguided talking point about giving a billionaire a new toy is ridiculous. 
What sort of concessions are made to bring in a strip mall or a Mall like Roosevelt Fields? You have to give to get. When Charles Wang wanted to self finance the Lighthouse Project, there wasn't NEARLY this vehement opposition or for that matter vehement support, Kate Murray and the Town of Hempstead and Garden City were allowed to steamroll it out of existence with no problem.  
In the horse trading of politics, and especially in revitalization efforts at the City and County levels, you have to give to get. The time of not giving much to get a lot (The LHP era) is long, long gone. 
The Deal with Mangano stinks, and yes you have a talking point of the tax increases being not far apart...but the revenues that can happen, no matter the size...are better than nothing and better than another Tanger. It's a bad deal, but it's better than no deal at all. 

This is my last piece on this matter on this blog. I'll still tweet about it. But, my next piece will be about what I started this blog about. 

I still plan on sending Comptroller DiNapoli a letter akin to what I wrote Jacobs, but knowing the political game, it'll be for naught as I'll get a form email about this being a county issue...

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